2.1 up Customizable Fingerprint Lock that actually locksr phone!
Customizable Fingerprint Lock that actually locksr phone!
Getly fingerprint scanner lock that actually workslock screen usesr own wallpaper! run apprrmal lock screen disabled until exit app.
This appcludes large, visible time date Customizable Features,cludingmes Fonts.
Your own wallpaper shownhind lock screen, even Live Wallpapers!
Invalid identity scans denied access preventtruders. However when scanr own thumb print, granted access quickly easily.
Access settings menu customize personalize Fingerprint Lock screenr liking,cluding options disableunds, vibration, show hide date/help button, changemes, change font time date.
- Actually locksr phone!
-ification bar button presses disabled! (including Home Back buttons)
- Large, easy read Clock Date!
-fontsmes customizer own personal lock screen!
- Showsr own personal wallpaper,cluding Live Wallpapers!
Note! - appes actually scanr fingerprint. That impossible. works greatlock screen,is great pranks, jokes, fooling people.rehidden button thatggle access phone. Afterggling access allow entry, eir scan granted access, enter settings menu.explained app clicking "Help" button. I am liable any actionsvolving use app guarantee thate able accessr using app.
What's version: (Updated : Jan 29, 2013)
Settingsw accesseduching holding LED image any time!
Fixedmesues scanitialization certain s!
Some feature updates or minchanges/fixes.
<input type="button" value="">