[Formerly called Music + Collection &ventory]
music collector? have trouble keeping trackyour music?
Organizer music collection app. (cds, vinyl, mp3,.)
Manager music collection along personal ratingses, which sh ors keep private.
Check seeyou already ownitemr phoneyou're out shopping.
Use Bulk Bar Code Scan option enterr music quickly scanning barcode coverr phone's camera.
Remember music want buy using Wish List.
Exportr musicfo CSVmat openspreadsheetr computer.
Takepicture album coverr phone go alongr ratinge.
Backupr music data server.you loser phone upgradenew phone, just importrfo new phonen't have re-enter everything.
Track statistics aboutr books liketal numberemsr collection, Average Rating, Music Genre.
(This appmusic playereswnload music, managingr music collection.)
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